There is a slight delay in putting up Part 2 (the continuation of previous post) due to my computer problem. I’ve not been able to access to Internet since Monday. How frustrating! The problem was attributed to a faulty splitter and we finally got the connection back last night after changing a new splitter.
So now back to Part 2.
We proceeded to walk around the mall after our sumptuous lunch at Kinsahi Restaurant. We ended up at Jusco, as we didn’t want to miss out on the last day of sale on that day (2nd day of Raya) . My parents and I went separate ways to shop while Sharlene enjoyed herself at the game arcade inside the children department of Jusco. Got my sis to accompany her and that allows me to shop freely…heheh. Grabbed a few stuff (blouses for myself, socks, pajamas and some cute flowery panties for Sharlene). She is obsessed with dress type of pajamas lately so I got her 2 and 1 for her piao cheh.
Sharlene was halfway doing her sand art when I went over to look for them. Ah Yee helped by peeling off stickers and suggesting what colours to put.

Then she wanted to try her hands on basketball. Daddy carried her up and she happily threw the ball a few rounds until she got tired.

She went to this machine later and dunno what she did?....she spoilt the handle
*shake head*Here she’s trying to fix it back.

We left the mall and drove over to a nearby hypermarket, as my mum needs to get some fruits for juicing. During our stay there, my mum made everyone a glass of fresh fruit juice every morning.
We had dinner before we headed home. We were exhausted after a day out but this girl of mine is definitely not feeling weary at all. She was playing and eating the whole night!
Look! She was having a whale of a time with Ah Yee who was watching TV at the same time. Guess Ah Yee wasn't having fun at all with Sharlene disturbing her, climbing and rolling on top of her :D

Next, she played with koong koong’s rocking chair.

Then she ran to the kitchen (my aunt was cutting fruits) and she got herself a slice of pineapple. Her first time trying this fruit and she liked it. Probably, it was sweet. She wanted another slice but I said no...heheh. Offered her papaya but she refused.

She chose bananas instead, one of her all-time favourite! See how she enjoyed her fruit.

Aunty Jane (my mum’s younger sister) and her younger daughter came by later. As usual, she bought some toys for Sharlene, one of which is hula-hoop. While I chat with aunty, she had fun with her new toy.

The whole family went out again the next day, this time to 2 shopping malls. Shopping and eating again…haha. Well, what else to do in JB besides heading to the malls! Oh, we went hunting for ice-kacang and rojak too! Found one recommended by my sis but unfortunately the shop was closed. We then went to another one. We ordered so many items there until we were so stuffed. But we still went out for dinner later :D
After a good lunch prepared by my aunt the next day, we loaded our stuff into the car and said bye-bye to everyone.
As usual, our car boot was stuffed to the brim

In the car she fooled around with my shawl. She asked me to decorate her head with the shawl and here’s what I did. How’s that? She’s satisfied and gave me a big smile. Oh, I so love her smile!! :D

We truly enjoyed our stay and look forward to the next trip, hopefully before the end of this year.