Sharlene had her first experience with water colour about 2 months ago. Bought her the necessary stuff i.e. a box of watercolour, an art block and a palette to get our project started. I found some old paint brushes at home, so she just used that to paint.
We have done quite a few paintings together for the past few weekends and here are some of them:

Straw painting, which was pretty easy for kids. Just get them to aim the straw at the paint and blow! However, Sharlene still needs my assistance from time to time and usually when she’s out of breath. Hmm...not that simple after all.

I gave her the idea and with my help she completed this under the sea theme. The little fishes were done via finger painting. But it doesn't look quite like fish though.

And here's her creation of an orange tree with some black birds on top of it.