Well, before I went to sleep on the eve I’ve thrown in some dessert ingredients into the crock-pot. The next morning everyone had a bowl of sweet ‘tong sui’ before leaving the house. We headed to hubby’s aunty’s house in Ampang to ‘pai nin’. It was so nice of them to prepare some vegetarian dishes for us. So we took our lunch and continued to hang around there, doing nothing but eat, eat, and eat….and of course, yak a lot too....hahah! I just love to binge on cookies and other CNY stuff there. Hmm, we didn’t take any pix there as both hubby and I were too busy eating and chit chatting away with our cousins. It was fun for Sharlene too as she got all the freedom to munch on the goodies placed on the table. Back home my sil cooked a few simple vegetarian dishes for dinner. We had our dinner and the rest of the time just went by so quickly. But overall, it was an enjoyable 1st day.
I woke up very early on the 2nd day of CNY. I was really worn out due to lack of sleep, but what to do...i need to get ready for prayers and then cook again for lunch before we travel down to JB. Both hubby and Sharlene slept so soundly when I left the bedroom. I had already started the prayers by the time hubby came downstairs at around 8.30 am. He took over the praying task from me whilst I hurriedly went to the kitchen to cook again. After an early lunch we left for JB (my parents’ house) and we stayed there for 5 days.
I shall tell more about our stay in JB next. In the meantime, let me just show you some pix of the 2 kiddos....
Last but not least, allow me to parade the CNY dishes we had on the 2nd day....
Well, that’s about all. Have a nice weekend everyone!
Wah... so many mouth-watering dishes. It's eat n eat n eat during this festive season yeah. :)
OMG, the food *gulp* its... wow, im drooling :p
Wow...the food makes me hungry la...hahaha. So many good cooks there. :D
nice nice...
the food photos u showed was not for day 1 right? since u said day 1 is vegetarian..
The dishes were cooked by you? They certainly look good!
Did Sharlene had her hair cut?
She really love chicken meat alot ya..for me, I also dislike chicken skin. I thought it has a weird smell and texture.
Rachel: ya, all the food was for the 2nd day of CNY.
Joanne: Sharlene had a haircut before the school reopens in January.
I am reading your blog so early in the morning and I am already hungry now! :)
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