Guess what the 2 girls play with when they get bored with their toys, books, TV, etc or when they simply have nothing to do at home?
Not able to guess??
Well, it’s Sharlene’s bulky Anakku pram...
Even though we have kept this pram away, Sharlene still request to play with it every now and then in the HOUSE! She will sit on it and request her piao cheh to push her around. Sometimes her toys will join in the fun too...hehe. It’s a pleasant sight to look at when both of them have so much fun giggling and chuckling away while playing with the pram. On some occasion she even behaves like a baby and requests to drink her milk in the pram.
Besides pushing the pram at home, the girls like to mess up my kitchen too especially my girl who is very fond of playing with things that are not meant for playing!
Have a look at the pic below (taken a few months ago) and you will know how playful they were...
Yeah, for sure they were having great fun with the ladle, plates, bowls and wooden spatula. Thank god, they only did that a few times and they have ceased playing with it now. Otherwise the clatter they create with those kitchen utensils will surely drive me bonkers.
It is good that Sharlene has her piao che to teman her. Or else, she will feel more bored. cute. Kids sure have alot of funny antics. Both of them really look like they are having lots of FUN.
The girls are so lucky to have each other to play with.
Somehow kids like to play with things which are NOT toys. hehehe Ermmm... how come they stand on the pouffe to play 'masak masak'? :)
Kids are always playful.That's good Sharlene has a partner to play with.My poor Ryan always play with his mummy and daddy only.
thay are having lots of fun out there!
At least the kids aren't playing with the breakable kitchen stuff!
Or not really headache.
Sharlene has a good healthy imagination... good foundation for childhood.
Luckily she has a cousin to play with or she will ask you for a baby brother or sister.
ya loh, lucky got her cousin sis to play with her everyday, if not... u will be very bz loh... haha!
Aww... so nice to have someone to play with! So envy... I don't have anyone to play with till I was 12!
Kiddos play with everything.. haha
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