At times, we will just cook a BIG pot of porridge when we are bored with noodles or simply when we can’t think of what sort of noodles to dish up. Sharlene’s nanny is also our cook. She handles all the cooking for us and if she’s not on leave during the weekends, she does that for us too. That's the reason why I'm so lazy to cook now...heheh :)
Normally we let her know what we would like for the day, purchase the ingredients required and she will do the cooking for us. Here are the noodles we ‘ordered’ from her a few Saturdays ago...
Fried Tomyam Meehoon – with lots of beansprouts, prawns, squids, fishcakes, fried beancurd and shredded ‘daun limau purut’. She cooks this dish very well and everyone doesn't seem to get tired of eating even though we have it quite often for lunch.
Another variety of noodles for the kids. She has to fry this non-spicy meehoon along with the tomyam meehoon just for the kids.
On that day I also baked a tray of chocolate chips muffins for teatime. My nephew loved this and chomped down 3 at one go. Actually, my main purpose of baking this was to finish off the remnants of chocolate chips, which I used to bake cookies for CNY this year. So long ago right...but when I checked the expiry date; it’s still within the expiration. So no worries :) I put in abundance of chocolate chips but there were still some leftovers. Looks like I need to bake another round of....errm, perhaps chocolate chips cookies this time to clear my stock.
Have you noticed the uneven color tone of the muffins? Some are darker and some are lighter in color. It could be the heating element of my oven that is positioned at one side of the oven. So, the muffins that were placed near the heating element obviously get darker and those placed further were lighter. Arggggh, can’t wait to buy a better oven BUT the current one is still in working condition…so got to put off this idea for the time being.
It's great that the nanny cooks for u as well. Save u a lot of work ya.
Those muffins r sure a big hit with kids. So much choc chips. :) My simple oven's heating oso not vy even. It's hotter in the inner side. So I've to turn the tray/food ard half way thru baking.
The nanny sure can cook up a storm. I don't mind eating the food she cooks everyday either..haha. Mmmmm..yummy muffins. For nice bakings we need a good oven right but good ones are expensive. :)
Wow, you're so lucky to get a nice nanny! The meehoon looks yummy!!
wow...that was sumptuous!!..salivating now...
slavemom: I was supposed to turn the tray half way through baking but forgotten about it. Thus, the muffins turned out in uneven shade..haha!
mummy gwen: You're right, it costs a bomb to get a good oven. But the good ones really make lots of difference.
i love muffins! and the meehoon looks really good! u have a live in nanny with you guys? how nice....
The mee-hoon sure looks good...makes me want some NOW! Wish I could bake...your muffins look so tempting...i think i would be 50 by the time I bake something...need a lot of motivation...he he.
O! your Tomyam Fried Meehoon looks so delicious..I won't be tired of eating it daily!
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